A prayer request please.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 15:48 (913 days ago)

I feel like I have come to this well an awful lot the past year but I believe in the power of prayer and have seen the results.

We started a 6 week treatment of chemo and radiation on the lump in my neck. We are 3-1/2 weeks into it and it is as rough as they told me it would be. I have no doubt I will come through this and am not terribly worried.

My request is for Melodie. She is taking things very hard and is having a bad time of it. We are at the point of me not being able to swallow much and Melodie is discouraged that she cannot cook anything or help much in any way.

I have first-hand experience in the role of a caregiver and I know it can be a hard job. I would ask you for strength and peace of mind for her in this role.

Thank you all so much for this and all of the support we've received throughout this ordeal.


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