"The margins are all clear."

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, January 29, 2022, 18:30 (965 days ago)

That's what a fella wants to hear after they've opened him up and played with his guts. As with seemingly everything else, the liver surgery was more complex than expected. The surgeon removed his targeted sectors and did a hand massage, finding 4 more lumps that didn't belong there which he then removed. He tells me the surgery went perfectly and that this portion of my body is now cancer free.

I felt that this surgery was tougher than the last or that I'd been run over by a truck or something. Melodie brought me home today. I expect the next few weeks will see me in a recliner. It hurts to laugh, sneeze, cough, burp---all some of my favorite activities. But I can already tell I am stronger in the last four days.

On the negative side, our little girl Bella chose this week to pass away. She's been sick for a while and wasting away and we just didn't have the heart to put her down. I was praying that she would last until I came home but it wasn't to be so. Melodie and I are both taking it pretty hard but we know that's the way it is with pets.

Anyway, thank you all for the prayers and thoughts and calls and texts. They mean so much to us.


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