Hoot's Medical Adventures---Part...I forget

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, January 17, 2022, 20:23 (977 days ago)

Update and prayer request, please.

Melodie and I have trips planned for mid-April (CSA), end of May (hog hunt) and mid-June. We have been trying to schedule any treatments in such a way so we can make our trips. I think we have figured it out...at least tentatively.

We are going ahead with liver surgery on 25JAN as originally scheduled. About 10-ish days later, we'll go in for a PET scan to see what's what. About 10-ish days after that, we'll go in for the initial radiation exam where I get fitted out with the 'mask' I'll have to wear for radiation treatments on my neck. The following week, we'll begin the actual radiation treatments. They are still scheduled for 7-1/2 weeks (every day--yuck).

Assuming everything goes according to plan, we'll be done around the first week in March, which gives me around 2-1/2 to 3 weeks to recover before we head to Arkansas for CSA. I'll probably still be less than 100% but I should be on the up-swing. Our other trips should find me in fine shape.

Word of caution...everything depends on how I react to surgery, how quickly I recover and how I respond to radiation. I am confident (and stubborn) but, in any case, both Melodie and I are satisfied with our decision.

As always, thank you all so much for the support and encouragement we've enjoyed all through this ordeal.


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