Merry Christmas!

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, December 19, 2021, 20:42 (1006 days ago)

It's a bit early in the week, but will be away from the 'net for several days so wanted to get this in here before heading for the hills.

May you all enjoy a peaceful and blessed celebration of the coming of Jesus the Christ to walk among us and show us a better way. May you find time to spend with friends and family, never forgetting the Reason for the Season.

We'll be on the road for a few days, visiting my inlaws and changing the urban scene for one more agreeable to my personal preferences, but we should be back in time to ring in 2022. When did you first realize that that date sounds exactly like "2020 II"? Here's hoping and praying that the coming new year will bring us all another opportunity for serving our fellow man according to the talents with which we have been endowed by our Creator.

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