Caleb Giddings Shoots for thre US Air Force Team. an SP

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Saturday, December 04, 2021, 09:40 (1021 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Now I'm convinced the best way to carry is with a gun you can shoot well in a carry position that is contextually appropriate for your circumstances and mission.

That is a mouth full. Because of my right shoulder & lack of motion I carried the Model 29 Smith behind my right hip, inside my trousers, butt forward. I used an appropriate holster for this. I simply could not draw a handgun from my right side if the butt was above my belt line & to the rear.

Being retired now & with my shoulder in much better shape, some of that has changed. But the fact remains, what is appropriate for someone else may not work for someone other. Good post Rod.

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