A cartridge I have long admired. So last year....

by cas, Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 19:27 (1025 days ago) @ AaronB

...when a chance to buy one in a model rifle I like came up, for a very good price, I bit.

I like the cartridge, not in love with the rifle (it's current configuration anyway). I decided I would either sell it, or rebarrel / reconfigure it. Haven't decided which yet, but I think I'm more upset of losing the long wanted .25-06 than the rifle itself.

Either way, my dies, brass and a bunch of bullets will most likely be available. My only other .257" is an old Savage 99 and it doesn't like anything heavy/long as 100gr bullets, and I have 100, 110, 115 and 120 lol

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