
by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, September 16, 2021, 10:02 (1100 days ago)

Finished up 5-1/2 weeks of radiation this morning. Going to the hospital every day was almost like having a job and I thought I was through with that nonsense. ;-)

We have a scan scheduled in a couple of weeks to assess progress so we won't know until then how things worked. But, I feel pretty good overall. Fatigue is an issue as well as a bit of neuropathy but those side effects seem pretty minor compared to some of the folks we saw in the last few weeks.

We have probably a couple of months off and then they want to start radiation on the lump in my neck. That one is supposed to be a more grueling course of treatment but I'm not going to worry on that much.

For now, it's off to The Dungeon to load up some things to take to the cabin for a mini-escape.

Thanks to you all for the thoughts and prayers.

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