Thank you for the extensive reply...

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, September 11, 2021, 18:53 (1105 days ago) @ JT

in regards to "will it work for self defense" I use the same logic as "will my computer work for 'X' task?"

Did your computer do 'X' task when it was first delivered from the factory? If yes, then it will still do the same job today. There may be "better" and "faster" and "more modern" computers that will do "X" better - but if your computer still operates like it did when first issued, it will still do the same tasks as before.

Following the analogy - did the cap and ball revolver work for self defense when it first came out? Indeed it did, and was far superior to the previous single or double barreled pistols in that it allowed multiple shots. There are faster, more modern options that many would argue are "better" than the old cap and ball - but the cap and ball revolver still works just like it did 170 years ago and will still get the job done if the person doing the job is up to it.

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