
by bmize, Sunday, June 06, 2021, 11:29 (1202 days ago) @ Hobie

I use silver antiseize on the threads. I believe the silver is higher heat rated, but for a can, don't think it will make a difference. I have used Red N Tackey grease inside the tube of a 22 can spread very thin, It seemed to help a little.
The baffles, the peroxide vinegar mix is very toxic and them you have lead "acetate" I believe it is called and bad stuff, also will damage aluminum quickly.
I us a Hornady sonic cleaner a dozen cycles after I scrape the lead off. I don't get them real clean, they are just going to get dirty again soon.
My two 22 can have a lot of rounds on them with no ill effects. one has to be 1000-1500 or more.
It is on my silhouette rifle. we shoot a prone silhouette club match and I have shot 50/50 the last 7 matches.
I may clean it next year.

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