PCC- Dont understand them.....

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, February 14, 2021, 11:12 (1314 days ago)

Pistol caliber carbines.......First off let me say I am a huge fan of the MP5, top 5 of all weapons in my mind, so sweet and smooth but I would never carry one for self defense or in a war zone, Yes I know the MP5 has a long history of combat and SOF ops but my main focus is the AR version of a PCC.

Why in the hell would I want a weapon that big shooting a 9mm????? There many AR companies that make a small 5.56 AR that work well, in all conditions. The current rage in PCC AR's is totally crazy and makes no sense. Granted the 9mm is bigger in diameter but the punch and killing power of a 5.56 round is heads and tails better and add in the muzzle blast at close range is a major plus.

For a training or beginner weapon OK I agree or something like the CCU that I have but I would never ever consider it for self defense and in a hallway type shooting I would rather have the 1911 pistol over the CCU for ease of handling and reloading.

The main argument I see for the PCC is handling of recoil, I will call that total BS. For years I have taught new shooters recoil is between your ears, most anyone can handle big recoil with proper training, for anyone who has been to one of the Arkansas shoots and watched Katherine shoot knows that statement is true. My middle daughter at 11 was shooting a 45 1911 with ease and by mid teens was handling a AR without problems, she is 25 now, the 1911 and AR are still her favorites.

So what do you say, is the PCC good or a fad for recoil wimps?????


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