ANYONE HERE READ "Rifle Shooter"?

by Stevens416 @, SE PA, Thursday, November 26, 2020, 11:22 (1394 days ago) @ SIXGUNNER

Mr. Taffin:

I cannot help you with the magazine, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your article on .357 single actions.

I've owned a host of Ruger single actions and still have 3 - a .22, a .32 H&R and a .44 Special. All are Bisley models, as were the .41 Magnums I previously owned. There was one .32 H&R with the conventional grips, but it never fit my hand and it moved on down the road.

There are two FA Model 97s here - a .41 Magnum (that shoots handloads that are really .41 Special in a .41 magnum case) and a .357. You are correct when you say that the FA revolvers are the finest factory production revolvers ever offered. I describe them as being the revolver equivalent of a high quality Swiss watch. FA really does put quality first.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience with the single action .357 family.


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