The Chinese Bug bit me...

by Byron, Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 07:06 (1409 days ago)

As a high volume chiropractor we see lots of folks in our office and are of course are in close contact and I have my hands on all of them. My wife and I also CrossFit 4 days a week in a sweaty gym.

We are as careful as we can be but it is what it is.

Last Friday I was a little shaky and had a dull headache.

Saturday morning I knew I was sick and within a couple of hours was hit hard, down and out.

Wicked headache. Every muscle and joint hurt. Fever and severe chills but never had a cough.

Felt like shit for the day until the fever broke in the night.

Next morning had a dull headache and muscle aches but no fever.

I have been tired since and still have a dull headache but otherwise feel fine.

Half the folks in the CrossFit group also got sick with pretty much the same symptoms and are all doing fine after a couple of days. Some with a cough, some without.

I'm 68 and lean but hypertensive but otherwise very fit as are our friends.

For all of us it was just an ugly 24 hour flu and now we are done with it. Teresa tested negative and the docs say that she is just probably immune. Of all our our friend that are sick it is just one of each couple, mostly the men sick but one woman.

If I'd have know that that was it I would have made a point of getting infected a long time ago.

In my practice we have had dozens infected with a similar experience of 24 hour flu. We have also had a couple (2) who nearly died from it.

America need to stand up on it hind feet and take the punch on the chin like a cowboy and then just get back to work.

The masks and shutdowns and pandemic panic is a scam of historic proportions.


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