.220 Swift -- once evaporated a litter of groundhogs..

by Alfred John, Thursday, June 14, 2012, 08:19 (4493 days ago) @ Byron

There was an article I read some years back. It was about a test one army doctor did on condemned mules in the Phillipines prior to WWII. He had Winchester send him a supply of solid copper 22 Swift bullets, already loaded. He didn't chonograph the loads, rather would put an old steel WWI helmet on the head of a mule and shoot it with the loaded Swift's. The report said the bullet went through the helmet and exited the back side. He noticed a number of holes in the helmet along with bullet holes. Upon investigation it was found they were bone fragments from the mules head. Wish I could remember the name of the writer. It was about high velocity injuries and the effects of very high velocity on certain targets. May have been writing by P.O. Ackley when he was working with his 17 caliber rifles in his books. He did like the 17 caliber as a varmit round, it was even used for culling operations on open range mustangs back in the day. One hit and dead mustang, according to him. Good Luck.

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