my imagination usually needs help

by bj @, Friday, October 23, 2020, 20:13 (1428 days ago) @ ERSisk

I vaguely remember an old scifi book about insect-like creatures on the moon. Google says it might be _The First Men in the Moon_ by H.G. Wells. When I read the book many years ago I was picturing large creatures that would require a fairly large caliber.

I laugh at the movies and TV shows where they are shooting at the large aliens or whatever with 223 rifles. But in the most recent "Jurassic Park" dinosaur movie the main character had a Marlin Guide Gun. I thought that would have been a suitable weapon, with suitable ammo, against various dinosaurs. That is assuming he can't find a good double rifle somewhere.

I don't have much chance of encountering dangerous game, or insects bigger than what I can step on, although it might be possible for me to be in serious bear country. I've decided that the Ruger Alaskan revolver in 480 Ruger, or the 4" Redhawk in 45 Colt, would be minimum backup armament. I don't know anything about reliability of Taurus revolvers but I noted that they have also sold a DA revolver in 480 Ruger.

I've also had an interest in a short barrel FA but I would have to go with .454/45 Colt for various reasons.

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