Re: Spring Powered Air Rifles

by d.sikes, Friday, September 04, 2020, 23:05 (1477 days ago) @ Paul

air guns have been a part of my life since I was a little kid back in the late 1950's... starting with "of course" a Red Rider lever BB gun... then about 40years ago I got a Benjamin pump air pistol in .22 ... cause I was being reassigned to Panama and wanted something since I couldn't take my guns down there... I lost that pistol somewhere along the way during a reassignment in 1990... always wanted another air gun ever since...

well this last year I wanted something I could shoot fairly quietly around the chicken coup and such ( I haven't been able to find any Aquila Colibri ammo ) so I scratched my itch and got not one but two air guns... I ordered a Retay 135X spring powered .22 rifle cause I wanted one in .22 and it was "rated" at about 900fps with 14gr .22 pellets... I also ordered a Umarex StrikePoint pump pistol in .22 cause I wanted something like my old Benjamin (couldn't find a Benjamin anywhere)...

to make a long story short... I have been quite pleased with both... my only complaints sofar have been that the Retay rifle is difficult to cock the spring... I have to break the action over my leg and then brace the but on my foot as I cock the barrel back... and the Umarex pistol is large and bulky whereas my old Benjamin (as I recall) was fairly compact and light... all in all, they do what they are advertized to do... tho as I find the Colibris, I tend to shoot those out of my .22lr rifle and handgun more than use the air guns since they are more convenient to load and are just as quiet as the air guns...

anyway... that's my 2 cents worth to this topic.

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