Packrat victory

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 16:23 (1636 days ago)

Coming from a rural background where if you dispose of something it's not got anything left to give has left me with a tendency to keep stuff around "because it might be useful someday". Back in '06 we picked up a new computer for my wife to use. It gave us good service and finally pretty much gave up the ghost, as far as reliable computation duties go. So the monitor got carried around with us over the past few moves to new quarters (sure do hate renting) and it's been a reliable gatherer of dust in out of the way hideyholes.

Fast forward to the Great COVID-19 <WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!> pandemic and for the past nearly two weeks we've been obligated to "shelter in place" with only the bare necessities of outside excursions allowed. Walk the dogs (20 minutes max - but they don't say how frequently one can get one's 20 minutes) near the house (we've got two parks to use within 50 yards or less of the front door), emergency medical visits, grocery or drug store shopping, etc are allowed. This obviously has put a damper on our usual weekly gatherings and gatherings during the week, so along with folks from all kinds of places around the globe we've been going to online live streaming to encourage our folks.

This has lead to learning how to do things I'd not thought of doing, such as using Facebook Live for teaching and ministering purposes. Also we've learned that there are other tools available to make that task easier. But one computer monitor makes keeping track of things difficult and not very smooth to operate. Enter ye old HP 2009m - a much better monitor than I remembered it being. 20" and HDTV quality video. And the 'puter I picked up for ministry purposes back in '15 happens to have a DV-I output that matches up with the DV-I input on the monitor. So now we've got extended screen space to layout our transmissions on. Looking forward to employing it this evening (we've gone to nightly broadcasts to try and help folks keep up their spirits during this situation).

"Why don't you just throw that away?"
"Because I might need it someday." [packrat victory!]

congratulations on that

by bj @, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 16:46 (1636 days ago) @ Paul

Some folks and their hobbies and interests promote packrat behavior more than others. I'll try to make this short but it will be a long story.

This guy that tinkered with classic cars always had a lot of old parts stored in his garage and never could clean out and throw things away. (You never know when you might need that turn signal light.) He looked for sources of relief but couldn't find any. One night he was at a party at a friend's house, a person who also tinkered with classic cars and had a lot of "stuff". At some point they were in the garage talking and the visitor noticed all of the boxes on shelves, some with dates written on them. The host said "if I find a box that hasn't been opened in a year, I figure I haven't needed it so I throw it away without even opening the box to look in it". The visitor thought that was horrible but kept thinking about it and decided it might work for him to reduce his clutter. Before leaving the party at the end of the evening he asked the host about this again- "can you really throw out a box without even looking in it". The host said "of course not, don't be silly". So there is no solution for the true packrat, just don't be a hoarder like the people you see on TV.

I had a friend who threw away old screws and hardware when he finished with a project. He figured when he started another project he would just go buy whatever he needed. This way he didn't have to store a lot of stuff. OTOH I keep everything and have some old cookie tins full of screws. But frequently when I need to repair something I can find the exact bolt or screw that I need without taking an hour round trip to the store. Ore more complicated projects that require 3 trips.

Lets not get into some of the old brass and dies that I have stored.

Thanks! On the same subject...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 17:01 (1636 days ago) @ bj

about 7 years ago I figured out that the probability of someone requesting assistance in getting an old Intel 486 based computer or even an original Pentium based computer were somewhere between slim and none. SO I hauled the various tid-bits out and left them for the recyclers - who were thrilled to get them. (on trash days there are folks here who beat the trash trucks to the barrio and pick up whatever odds and ends they can sell or use). A couple days later (we were getting ready for a move) I hauled my old WordPerfect 5.1 and DrawPerfect X.X (can't recall which version it was) manuals along with some of the same general vintage out and gave them to one of the recyclers. Since they sell such things by the kilo, this was a treasure trove to her. Sure beats building a kilo of "office scrap" a sheet at a time. She was back the next trash day expecting to make another haul...

Now as to bits of hardware, I've got three stacking plastic organizers of various bolts, nuts, screws and other fasteners. I try to keep some of the basic sizes well stocked, but there's plenty of odd ball stuff rattling around in there to fill some interesting niches at times. In this house at least I have a "shop" which is what I call the spare spare bedroom where we actually had room to get my miscellaneous tools together mostly in once place and even have a work bench of sorts against one wall. Jack of all trades, master of none, but I've got bits and pieces that'll work to patch up things for a variety of needs when they arise.

It's about time to go through the smaller stash of computer stuff and see what I can toss now. Most of what's left is still reasonably current - except for the paucity of items for the more common laptop computers. Most of what I've got is desktop oriented.

I am a packrat

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Monday, March 30, 2020, 07:51 (1636 days ago) @ Paul

I have a shop with many shelves. I can usually avoid a trip to the store by going to my shelves for whatever hardware I might need, or my scrap wood supply for typical household needs. My wife has a habit of "I need something to/for --------" that I can usually take care of from my stash. At 78, I know the next move will involve a large dumpster because I can't take all this stuff with me, but for now its very handy. All the gun related stuff will be a big chore.

Love it when a plan comes together! :)

by Mike P @, Wednesday, April 01, 2020, 15:23 (1633 days ago) @ Paul


AKA zzr7ky

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