Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Frank S, Thursday, March 26, 2020, 16:54 (1639 days ago)

Keeping busy?
Everyone finding a way to fill your time?
Prayers and good wishes sent to the Cotieri.
Stay safe and watchful!

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Woodswalker ⌂ @, the Great North'Wet', Thursday, March 26, 2020, 17:39 (1639 days ago) @ Frank S

So far, so good, the newish MRS and I are squirrels away in our new digs with food, water and the requisite arms.

Reheating pizza – sheesh. Totally destroys the delicate flavor.

A Smith and Wesson beats 5 aces...

Woodswalker AKA AaronE

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, March 26, 2020, 18:24 (1639 days ago) @ Frank S

Definitely. Just a little worried for some of our more at risk people, but finding creative ways to encourage and help folks in spite of the strict quarantine in effect here.

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Thursday, March 26, 2020, 21:32 (1639 days ago) @ Frank S

Sequestered at home, mostly, still going to private range, casting bullets and loading ammo. Plenty to do. We also have what we need for a while.

doing pretty good - my son is enjoying the flexibility

by stonewalrus, Thursday, March 26, 2020, 22:39 (1639 days ago) @ Frank S

Of doing school work from home. His school has done this before instead of doing snow days. Did take him on a hike (Dad is getting out of shape...) at the local state park. Bunch of people but none on the trails.

I still have to work :(

by bj @, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 16:48 (1636 days ago) @ stonewalrus

It's more boring and a little less efficient from home, but I don't have to drive to the office and back so that saves some time.

Doing as Buzz Aldrin, my hero...

by guest, Friday, March 27, 2020, 09:32 (1639 days ago) @ Frank S

"Laying on my a-- and keeping the door locked."

Tried volunteering to run food to the elderly, and several other things but neither local govt nor church were ready for this, and simply no way to connect, save standing outside a store and asking if anyone needs help before they enter.

Given the sleeper aspect of the virus, anyone, including self, may already be infected, and unsure of wisdom in aggessively trying to help others. Checking temp daily, but even that no guarantee of not being a Typhoid Mary. I DO wish a study would come out saying "If no fever, no contagion" or something. These unknowns have a lot of folk frozen.

Holed up here too, and so far doing fine. Will have some...

by Caz, Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:05 (1638 days ago) @ Frank S

..."outside contact" tomorrow when my d-i-l stops by to drop off a bunch of ground beef that I will be dispersing (very carefully) to the church folks on Sunday afternoon. Other than that, supplies are holding out and cabin fever is being held at bay by means of continual snacking....:-D

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by cable, Friday, March 27, 2020, 14:24 (1638 days ago) @ Frank S
edited by cable, Friday, March 27, 2020, 16:10



eating too many cookies
too much coffee

that was sunrise at breakfast this am

loading 2 7/8” 10 ga shells for hunting this fall- if the world as we know it still exists then

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Friday, March 27, 2020, 18:54 (1638 days ago) @ cable

Would you mind sharing your source for 10 gauge 2-7/8 data? I'm dying to duplicate the 1-1/16 or 1-1/8 ounce loads RST was producing for my 7 pound 3 ounce Darne. No Roman candle loads for that baby. It would survive, but I'm not sure I would.

I'm working from home, but there isn't a lot of work. Fortunately, I'm salaried (work for a PA county government). I've loaded 4 flats of 12 gauge target loads and am about to start on .38 Special. Once that's done, I'll run through my 9mm brass and then on to .44 Special. I also need to load up some .300 Savage and .223. Then I'll go digging to see what else I can do.

I think my wife has seen enough of me. Maybe working from home is too much of a good thing.

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by cable, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 00:55 (1638 days ago) @ Remington40x

i will be glad to do so....i will gather that info this weekend and get it to you

10 gauge data

by cable, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 15:10 (1637 days ago) @ Remington40x

sent you a message via email o n this site, that should have what you need, if not I will dig more and send more !!

10 gauge data

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 18:35 (1637 days ago) @ cable


Got it. Thanks.

And I'll check out that spreadsheet once my PGCA registration is approved.

I'm sitting on several hundred RST hulls, which I'm told are Cheddite, so I'll be looking for data for them. Crossing my fingers.


there should be lots of data, and i think i have more some

by cable, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 18:45 (1637 days ago) @ Remington40x

more sources that are not online

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 03:48 (1638 days ago) @ Frank S

It’s odd around here...

I’m still working like normal, which is good having no paid time off in my trade. The wife works for United Way, so she’s super busy trying to keep info updated and help those who need it now and will need it later on due to current situation. Boys are off school for at least a month, more likely the rest of the year. They are technically on spring break through the next week. After that, they’ll be on ‘distance learning’. The oldest, 12, has a bring home computer so that’s much easier. The younger son is getting g a packet of paper each week, no real understanding of how we turn it in or how much it really matters if it gets done or not. It’s a new deal for everyone but we’re all working with it the best we can.


still heading out to work most every day

by mcassill, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 05:23 (1638 days ago) @ Frank S

The joys of being “essential”

Everything normal.....

by Gunner @, St Louis, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 10:19 (1638 days ago) @ Frank S
edited by Gunner, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 11:59

Well at least somewhat normal.......work for a trucking company and no lock down here in the St Louis area so not much has changed for me other than trying to buy normal weekly food/supplies.

Stopped at local supermarket on the way home last night, not busy and shelves 96-98% stocked, have plenty of TP so I didn't check that aisle.

Now if only the rain would stop I could go shootin'


41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

Ok, not Normal but doing ok

by CJM @, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 13:49 (1637 days ago) @ Frank S

This crisis actually is working out well for my family.
I was told to start working from home (I'm an engineer), so I packed up and headed to my Mom's place. She is in her 80's and waiting to die from cancer, she decided not to go through the treatments when it was found 4 years ago. I had been going there every weekend, my sister had been staying with her one day during the week. Now I'm just working from her house during the day and taking care of the cooking, housework etc as she isn't getting around very well with her walker.

Sheltering in place

by E Sisk, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 13:57 (1637 days ago) @ Frank S

Before Chinese Flu; Make Groceries twice a month, avoid crowded spaces, wash hands often. After Chinese Flu; Make Groceries once a month, avoid crowded spaces, wash hands often. Big spike in cases here from Mardi Gras tourists. Health club closed, riding bicycle around neighborhood on days I am not behind the push mower.

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Jhenry, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 20:23 (1637 days ago) @ Frank S

Doing just fine thus far.

Holding up well at the Murphy's

by Murphy @, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 12:53 (1636 days ago) @ Frank S

The wife and I are both retired. A blessing in a way, we had a head start on this being at home thing. The hard part, is being home when I want to vs being pretty much told to stay at home. I never was good at being told what to do by other's. Odd how that works.

Staying busy. My mother always said you could lock me in a closet, or put me in the middle of the desert and I'd find something to do. We have all the basic necessities we need and no need to leave home for the time being.

My biggest concern, has been my 26 year old granddaughter stuck in New York City. She's an attorney working from home at this time.

Stay safe my friends.


Over half our business is shut down

by cubrock, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 22:09 (1636 days ago) @ Frank S

but we are refocusing to more online sales than person-to-person. To God be the glory that He is taking care of our needs and we are not one paycheck away from destitute, but we are definitely pinched by it.

Praying for those who are impacted by this - both health and finances - and for our leaders, that they would turn to God in prayer and repentance, leading as servants.

Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Bri A, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 22:41 (1636 days ago) @ Frank S

Hanging in there, should have enough supplies for the time being and have more than enough projects to keep me busy for at least a century. So far have noticed no change in my regular routine, don't leave home for weeks at a time this time of year normally anyway.

Ok in SE Lower MI

by Mike P @, Wednesday, April 01, 2020, 15:20 (1633 days ago) @ Frank S

Wife is working every other day. Many Honey Do projects getting tackled.

All healthy.

Had a new Grand Daughter born March 9th! They named her Nova. So the other grand kids are referring to her as Super Nova :).

Blessings to all, especially those working though with the public.

Mike P

AKA zzr7ky

I feel like a lamb going to the slaughter every morning...

by pokynojoe, Thursday, April 02, 2020, 19:30 (1632 days ago) @ Frank S

when I get up and go into work. I can't see how I won't get it.

I feel like a lamb going to the slaughter every morning...

by Bri A, Sunday, April 05, 2020, 10:01 (1630 days ago) @ pokynojoe

A friend is a medical professional in a big hospital in Flint. They are being told to expect 85% of the population is going to get this, so yes, you will probably get it and so will I and everyone else on the board. The survival rate is very high though, the best estimates are over 99%, and lots of people will have it and not even know, because they will have no symptoms. Great idea to observe the safety guidelines as best you can so we can try to flatten the curve and put less strain on the hospitals at any given time, but it is not anything to be afraid of. It will be interesting, when all is said and done, to find out what the story of this virus really is, too many unanswered questions about how long it has been floating around, where it came from and how many people have already been infected but were not tested.

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