What I Did Sunday

by Jim Taylor, Monday, June 11, 2012, 02:04 (4496 days ago)

Early this morning(Sunday)I drove off into the bush to take some Mozambican friends to visit a small church. We went to encourage them. We arrived early .. I was running 115 k or so when the road was good .. so we waited in front of the building for a half hour or so.

Soon the people began arriving and singing and dancing. Here these folk with no electricity, dirt floor, grass roof, no carpet or indoor plumbing and they are having fun! They danced for the better part of an hour. Church should be this good in the States....

Afterwards they visited outside .. made us a meal and had a good time. At one point all the ladies screamed and took off running. I looked and saw a green snake going really fast toward a tree so I ran an grabbed my machete out of the truck. One guy knocked it down out of the tree and as it rose up to strike I took its head off.

It was a good day. I really enjoy being in the bush. It's quiet .. you can hear a rooster crow a half mile away .. peaceful unless the snakes visit.

They told me there is a problem with lions there. Everyone is afraid to go out at night .. probably with good reason.

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