prayer request...

by guest, Friday, November 22, 2019, 10:12 (1765 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Best to remember that your children will all die, you will die, and we all are cursed so long as we consider this world our home,...

When in fact it is only a school from which we graduate, where the one lesson we are intended to learn is to return the love of our Creator with every fiber of our being, so that we may share totally as true lovers, including in our Beloved's eternity which they offer us, ...

if only we return that boundless love to best of our ability. All of our trials are ordered to us learning this one most important thing, utter dependence on our Beloved.

I pray that your wife, you, and your family turn ever more in trusting love to God, so that you all may be united eternally to that which loves you and everything into being every nano-second of existence.

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