Hog hunting advice...

by E Sisk, Thursday, October 31, 2019, 14:57 (1786 days ago) @ Byron

Been my personal experience that, you have to know someone, who knows a guy , who knows someone. The best hog hunt I was ever on, was in Texas on a 2000 acre personal hunting ranch high fenced on three sides (cause his neighbors built them). Got invited to hunt there through a friend of a friend. We showed up after dark on a Thursday, he drove us around in the dark. Put us on stands the next morning before daylight, picked us up at 9 am, when we got back to the cabin he threw us the keys to the ranch jeep, showed us a couple of bags of corn, said 'I got a business to take care of', will be back Sunday afternoon, "kill all the hogs you can". Two and a half days later three coonasses had scouted out and shot 7 pigs. So it can happen, but I think hunts like that are in the 'scarce as hens teeth' category.

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