Hog hunting advice...

by Byron, Thursday, October 31, 2019, 11:57 (1787 days ago)

While it is easy to find ranches that will allow hog hunting for a fee I regularly hear about places where one can show up with the intent to shoot as many hogs as possible for free.

Rancher says "shoot them all".

Is anyone aware of anywhere that hog shooting (not hunting) is allowed for free.

My eldest son is trying to talk me into a helicopter hunt for a couple of grand for an hour or two in the door of a chopper and shooting 1000 rounds of green tip pretty much as fast as you can run the gun.


Quite frankly, this looks like the most redneck fun you could have with your clothes on.


Hog hunting advice...

by E Sisk, Thursday, October 31, 2019, 14:57 (1786 days ago) @ Byron

Been my personal experience that, you have to know someone, who knows a guy , who knows someone. The best hog hunt I was ever on, was in Texas on a 2000 acre personal hunting ranch high fenced on three sides (cause his neighbors built them). Got invited to hunt there through a friend of a friend. We showed up after dark on a Thursday, he drove us around in the dark. Put us on stands the next morning before daylight, picked us up at 9 am, when we got back to the cabin he threw us the keys to the ranch jeep, showed us a couple of bags of corn, said 'I got a business to take care of', will be back Sunday afternoon, "kill all the hogs you can". Two and a half days later three coonasses had scouted out and shot 7 pigs. So it can happen, but I think hunts like that are in the 'scarce as hens teeth' category.

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