Another thing

by Catoosa, Friday, October 18, 2019, 10:08 (1800 days ago) @ cubrock

I kinda sorta "accumulate" holsters, and I have several FINE quality holsters that I have no idea who made. No makers markings of any kind. I know there are any number of folks who make a few shucks for themselves or friends, and some of them make some really good stuff - they just don't have the time or desire to try doing it as a business, and don't bother to mark them.

If any of y'all have occasion to make up a holster or some other leather item, (or grips, any other fine tool for that matter) please mark it in some way so that someone who acquires and appreciates it years from now can have a clue who made it and when. The history associated with a finely crafted item means a lot to some of us old cranks.

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