Form 4473

by Otony, Monday, August 19, 2019, 08:49 (1860 days ago) @ Creeker
edited by Otony, Monday, August 19, 2019, 09:24

I’ve been working in a gun shop for over 6 years now. We have occasionally received a request to track down a firearm (maybe twice a year). In those cases, the FBI/BATF typically tell us a particular gun was shipped to us on such and such a date, and wants us to notify them of the information on the 4473. I would have to imagine it is in connection with that gun being used in a crime. Otherwise, those forms sit here in boxes and are never looked at.

In over 25 years of business, this shop has been audited by the BATF twice, once while I was working. In both cases, they did a daylong random sample of comparison between our filed 4473s and our “bound books”. No copies were made, none were taken.

This is not to say that other shops have had 4473s taken, just relaying our experience.

When the 4473 is “called in”, the only information that is relayed is that a person is buying a firearm, be it handgun, long gun, or “other”. We do not report brand, model or serial number during that check. That information is only recorded on the 4473, and is never relayed to BATF except as noted above.

Some states, Washington being one, have a separate form that records the sale of handguns, and that information is reported directly to local law enforcement and the State DOJ. Now THAT information is not filed with the BATF/FBI, but they certainly know how to get their hands on it.


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