Folks from other countries...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, August 04, 2019, 19:16 (1874 days ago) @ Creeker

A few years ago, one of my sister's nieces from Brazil went to see about a visa to visit the U.S.. During the interview they asked her, "What do you want to do in the U.S.?" "I want to learn to SHOOT!" she said. :-D She'd heard about our family get togethers and how much fun we have at the range and such - and wanted to experience it. Well, she got the visa - and also got randomly selected for a special search at every airport she went through in the U.S.!

Oh. And she also got to fulfill her dream. Don't remember who took her to the range, but she was able to send some rounds downrange and did quite well they tell me.

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