Turned in my work keys yesterday.

by Murphy @, Thursday, August 01, 2019, 12:18 (1878 days ago)

Guy's & gal's,

After 35 years at the same job, I'm giving it up. It's been quiet the ride to say the least. I've made some great friends along the way during my career working for the public. We're a small town with a whopping population of 7,000. If you work out among them long enough, you're going to meet a lot of folks. I was given a great retirement party and will miss a lot of my former coworkers.

Where to now? I haven't a clue other than it will be in a climate controlled environment, you can bet on that. I never have been a fan of Oklahoma summers. My shop has A/C so I'm good to go there. I've been laying in supplies in my reloading room and have enough to stay busy there till I get blue in the face. My shop is also my music room.

40 plus years ago, my life centered around three things, Gal's, Guitar's, and Gun's. Due to having married the love of my life 16 years ago, I'm down to two choices of what I consider having a great time at this point. Gun's & Geetar's. Life's good!


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