Thoughts on thinning the herd....

by Byron, Tuesday, July 09, 2019, 12:52 (1901 days ago)

The thought of reducing the collection in an organized manner has occurred to me a couple of times over the past couple of years.

For a number of reasons I simply are not shooting as much as I used to and having two big safes full of desirable firearms seems to be a bit obsessive and pointless.

I plan on turning over much of the stuff to the kids but frankly they have no use or desire for the whole collection.

The collection is varied between nice hunting rifles and shotguns to a set of 6 John Linebaugh Bisleys all marked Cody, Wyoming and a sack full of Dave Clements Blackhawks and Redhawks.

Are there reputable auction houses that specialize in moving this type of stuff?

I figure that I've got a few more years in me but don't want to leave a mess for my wife.



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