Is it a 3-digit or 2-digit s/n?

by Mathias Olivier @, Monday, July 01, 2019, 12:48 (1909 days ago) @ anachronism

If it's a three digit, I say shoot it and do whatever you want to it as there just isn't that much collectability to the Redhawks. There aren't too many guys that are collecting double action revolvers, but those that do probably already have them.

If it's a 2-digit, I'd sell it, let someone who is looking for a 2-digit gun buy it and then buy a run of the mill one to customize and shoot. With 2-digits, a lot of them were part of the Ruger's subscription program whereby people had that s/n assigned and got all of them. Sometimes famous/well known, other times collectors and/or friends of Ruger. Just depends on the number...

hope this helps.


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