Looking for a .22 Remington Jet Case

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Wednesday, May 29, 2019, 08:21 (1942 days ago)

I'm looking to buy or borrow a sized .22 Remington Jet case to confirm the chambering of a Martini Cadet I recently purchased. The rifle was represented to me as a .225 Winchester, which it is not, although the barrel is definitely .22 caliber. I've checked to see if it's a .222 Rimmed, a .218 Bee, a .22 Hornet and a .225 Winchester. None of those fit. The cut for the rim is definitely the same size as that of a .357, which leads me to the conclusion that the only factory round left is the .22 Remington Jet. I'd like to acquire a case to test that.

I'm happy to pay a reasonable fee and postage and, if you don't want to lose the case permanently, to return the case to you once I've tried it in the rifle.

So, is there anyone out there who can help me with this?



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