It is rather amusing, by the way...

by Byron, Thursday, June 07, 2012, 17:55 (4499 days ago) @ Paul

That anyone would consider the 5.56mm and M262 round in particular a "mousegun" given the fact that it has been killing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of our men for over 50 years and is the undisputed choice of Camp Perry service rifle shooters in long range matches....

I shoot deer (lots of them) with whatever amuses me...from 5.56mm and.375 H&H to 12 bore rifles and 9mm to .475 Linebaugh pistols....

I sneer at no one....just expressing my opinion that for killing any thing larger than small game cleanly under field conditions, a .22 rf rifle (or .22 Mag in a pistol)is mimimal and better choices are readily available....


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