Heart Transplant

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Saturday, May 18, 2019, 03:58 (1953 days ago) @ Warhawk

I haven't been very good with updates, but Rob has been slowly pressing forward toward getting a heart transplant. Believe it or not, the insurance company has more say so on who gets a transplant than the doctors do. It's an aggravating process.

But there is good news. Monday or Tuesday of last week, Rob was finally officially placed on the transplant list. And late Wednesday night he called and said they had a heart for him. I had to hold my wife (his mom) back from going to Dallas right then.

We both went to Dallas Thursday, and they did the transplant Thursday night at UT Southwest in Dallas. The procedure took a bit over 8 hours and was a success. They have him in CVICU and sedated until at least Saturday, possibly Sunday or Monday. He has a nurse with him 24 hours a day, and none of the family has been able to go in yet. But the room has a glass wall and door and they leave the curtain open whenever they can. So we have been able to see him, just not allowed to go in yet.

Lots of prayers were sent up on his behalf, and never let anyone tell you that prayer doesn't work. One of the surgeons came out to talk to the family after the procedure. The Doc said he didn't know how Rob had survived as long as he did (47 yo) with a heart in such bad shape. Prayers and Willpower.

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