I smell some thing funny

by uncowboy, Friday, April 26, 2019, 18:24 (1974 days ago)

That's what the wife said to me when she walked into the house. I dismissed it because I too smelled something outside when I walked the dog the day before. I went to the basement to use the dremel to finish a knife project and I also smelled something. My over sized freezer died at 5 years old and I lost 2 years of viddles. 40 Lb of ground venison 30 lb sausage 25 lb hamburgers 15 lb meatballs 20 lb trout to be smoked and 4 store bought pork buts with 20 lb pork fat was going to do a big run of sausage kielbasa and pepperoni. several lbs of venison roasts several packs of chicken and some packs of steak and about 30 lb of pork tenderloin some hole some sliced. 1 flat of blueberries and other miss. Thank GOD for the vacuum sealer because without it the house would be unlivable.I had this happen once when I was much younger. Tomorrow clean up and the catfish and turtles will be eating well. Going to be hard to catch up I have been trying to live off what I killed for a few years now.

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