Groundhog Hunting

by Bri A, Saturday, April 06, 2019, 22:07 (1994 days ago) @ Big Six

That is pretty cool, have never known anyone else who ever received payment for marmot removal. I really think that none of the farmers ever thought a kid with a 22 l.r. would manage to kill, retrieve and deliver more than 1 or 2 ground hogs. It would not be a huge surprise to me if my Grandfather was reimbursing them for the dollar either. In order to be sure the varmints died right there and did not live long enough to get down their holes, preventing me from getting paid because there was no way a farmer would've been happy with me digging up their field to retrieve my quarry, I had to get within 20 yards and deliver a solid brain hit. It was also made clear that if a 22 bullet ever made it's way into any livestock, buildings, equipment, etc., that the repayment would first come out of my hide, then I would be responsible for repairing the actual damage.

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