History tells us that civil war will happen, the question is

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, March 17, 2019, 18:53 (2014 days ago) @ Frank S

when? this is my opinion...

What else does history tell us?
- one third of the populace will do their level best to not be involved on any "side"
- 50%+ of casualties from weapons will be civilians, i.e. women and children
- the military will be about evenly split, many will decide which side they go to based on what the majority in their unit do and some of those will switch sides, some will do so multiple times.
- the country so split will be vulnerable to outside forces

Specific to the next ACW if it happens in the near term
- excavators will be in demand.
- China will become THE world power
- racism will control the decision process in many communities regardless of the majority race

Pray that this does not happen.



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