age is directly related to hiw much a gun used

by Charles, Thursday, March 07, 2019, 11:44 (2025 days ago) @ really want to know...

I agree that to much stuff is to much stuff and absent a good motive, the excess should be passed on. In the past two years I have given away about three dozen guns to family and friends. I stil have a goodly number and adequate for my needs for decades to come.

That said, nothing was said about you being mentally defective or having a death wish. That is a gross and inaccurate distortion of what I said. I realize you don't like what I said, for I didn't expect you to. My experience is that folks in general resent correction, but that is not cause to misrepresent what was said. Resent it if you will, but resent what I said and not what I didn't say.

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