Way more fun than golf.....

by Byron, Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 09:11 (4501 days ago)

My son invited me to a 3-gun zombie shootout last weekend down in Wichita where he lives and I had to go, of course.

As everyone knows, the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us and one must seize every opportunity to neutralize (they cannot be killed) zombies where ever they are found.

The event was held at a really nice gun club (Air Capital) and expertly managed by Thunderbird Tactical. Course of fire was 250 rounds of pistol and 200 rounds of rifle. They provided Benelli shotguns and ammo for anyone who wanted to use them…..fun.

The event was attended by a big crowd…over a hundred shooter of every type and size….much camo and 5.11 gear….lots of really big fat guys in brand new ACUs and body armor….once they got down into a prone position to engage the long range zombies they had more than a bit of trouble getting back up….high speed gamers with multi-color race guns and red holsters….many nylon drop holsters strapped to the thigh…quite a few MP types from the nearby air base…I had forgotten the Air Force still wears shined black boots…...a great friendly group….very careful gun handling by all….all good…

A couple of clear observations from the day….the only pistol malfunctions were with GM style .45s…XDs, MPs and Glocks all ran without missing a beat…..plastic pistols rule for shooting zombies…..all .22 RF ARs tied up during their string…everyone…the only .22s that worked was a couple of 1022s…..standard rifle fare was the AR 5.56mm in different layouts from cheap parts M4geries to high zoot three gun racers…2 AKS…1 M1a….he got tied up trying to engage a zombie in a narrow hallway….rifle way too long to be handy….my PRT GI91…it ran perfect…it does not lock back on an empty magazine… just reloaded before it ran dry and never had any issues….the metal stock was not a problem….200 rounds of 7.62 ball wearing a tee shirt and did not have any soreness or a mark on my shoulder…timers and range officers quickly learned to stay away from the right side of the G3…those big empties come out very hot and very hard…..most shooters used low power scopes or red dots…..they did give an edge for fast shooting….my son and I had the only red dot on our pistols….once you get the hang for them…they are the way to go….

The favorite stage was started from a car….no windshield….pistol on the dash…at the tone draw and engage 5 zombies in front….exit the vehicle and reload….move around a wall of blue barrels and engage 5 more zombies…return to the vehicle and place your sidearm in the trunk and draw and charge a shotgun and move around another barrel wall and engage 5 more zombies…par was something stupid like 30 seconds….I got all the zombies but it did take a bit longer than that for me…

These events are becoming more and more popular around the country….something that should not be missed…. get some….

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