Big Snubbie.....

by Gunner @, St Louis, Saturday, February 02, 2019, 14:52 (2058 days ago)

Or should I say Proud dad moment turned into dad bought a new handgun :-D

Middle daughter Molly has been talking about buying her first handgun for a while now, leaning toward a CCW type. She has become more aware of her surroundings and life in general since the baby was born two years ago and hubby is an EMT and gone 24 to 48 hours at a time. Earlier this week she said she was ready to buy, happy dad!!!! So we made arrangements to go gun shopping this morning, took her to a little out of the way shop but with one of the best selections around. While she is handling different compact 9mm's I look in the case and see something I didn't know was even being offered!!!!

At first I laugh, then think hhhmmmm, then hell no I don't have the money for that, but crap it IS the right caliber!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh sir can I see that!!!

Yeah, ok, it's only money....oh....Molly you doing ok down there????

Sir, you can't have this back, it's going home with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the end it all worked out, dad got a new handgun in his favorite and best caliber, daughter bought her first handgun and made dad really proud and happy.

Molly is a 1911 freak, like dad, having shot her first one at 11 years old, been trying to steal my 5 inch Baer ever since, it is way to big for her to carry, even though she wants too. The dealer did hand her a Ruger Commander in 9mm, big smile on her face as she held it, just too much size and weight for her 5"3" build to feel comfortable to conceal carry. So in the end she bought what I always thought was a good choice for her, a Smith M&P Shield in 9mm. Though I have 2 Kahr 9mm's, she doesn't like the feel of them, so the Smith was the choice.


41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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