Standard SAA's

by TL in OR, Central Oregon, Wednesday, January 30, 2019, 23:47 (2060 days ago) @ Otony

Tony, I spoke briefly with Louis Frutuoso of Std Mfg, and he indicated that they were preparing to make some black powder style frames in .44-40. I didn't have the opportunity to question him in depth, but I would hope to see other options as time goes on. He gave me contact info of the man who heads up their SA production, but I have yet to follow up with more detailed questions. When your friend gets his revolver, I would be interested in hearing your assessment. I picked up a few USFA's when they were still in production, but I regret not placing a special order for a FT with a bisley hammer that I was contemplating at the time. Perhaps I'll have another chance at some point with Standard, but I wager it'll be twice the price or more than what I could've gotten it for back in "the good old days"!

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