20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, January 07, 2019, 08:22 (2084 days ago)

many of you were there. One of the things that I really enjoy about that was how many of us stuck together through all the moves. The best improvement, in my mind of the standard web forums, is We quickly started posting under our REAL NAMES. For those that don't do that here, I will always hold suspect. It made things more honest and less trolling and chest thumping (To a Degree)
I have learned sp very much from so many of you. Friendships akin to family have developed. I have prayed and cried and laughed with you at various times. and had the great pleasure to meet many if you in person.
Thanks you fine folks.
Rob Leahy

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Not sure how long it's been here...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, January 07, 2019, 09:35 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

a while for certain. I agree with your sentiments.

And, for those who haven't figured it out yet, I was not christened 'Hoot' but rather Michael. I'll answer to 'most anything.

You..mean..you're real name isn't....Hoot?

by Jimmy P., Florida Panhandle, Monday, January 07, 2019, 09:57 (2084 days ago) @ Hoot

Say it ain't so...

Sorry Jimmy.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, January 07, 2019, 12:33 (2084 days ago) @ Jimmy P.

Not sure how to break it to you. I was never a star of the silver screen nor a stunt plane pilot either.

I have been here

by uncowboy, Monday, January 07, 2019, 13:14 (2084 days ago) @ Hoot

since Hitler was a corporal! I liked the wealth of knowledge that sprung from the board. Made some very good friends Creaker Matt and Cas just to name a few that I met but since I started on this board the unification of us as a team was profound. I have sent many things before payment and later many things for free because you knew the character of the people on this board. We are not as chatty as once but when we talk you should listen. World class men here! J.Michael

World class men for sure. Been here a while myself.

by Jimmy P., Florida Panhandle, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 15:06 (2083 days ago) @ uncowboy

Maybe a while and a half or two whiles.

I don't post as much as I have in years past, mostly because I came to the realization there are quite a few here that are far more knowledgeable than I. But I watch.

I've met some good folks here and made some great friends. Some that I hold as dear as family.

My real name ain't Boge either!

by Boge Quinn, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 11:22 (2079 days ago) @ Hoot

But that's been my moniker since I was ten years old.

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by fatboy, Monday, January 07, 2019, 09:53 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I'm unsure of how long I've hung around the various iterations; ben in my current house for going on 18 years and I know I was posting well before that and remember you and I talking about Eastern Warshinton and the Eyedehoe Panhandle! So prolly 20 or more for me too.
bob aka Fatboy

20 years ago or so... DITTO,

by Otony, Monday, January 07, 2019, 10:36 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I originally started posting as Orthodox Tony, but that was too long to last. Started using Otony pretty quick.

I've seen many friends come and go over the years and the various versions of the board. Some (most) sorely missed, a very few that are not. The survivors are family in my eyes.

God willing there will be a couple of us left to post in another 20 years!

Otony = Orthodox Tony = Anthony Aveni

20 years ago or so... I'll go with the "OR SO"...

by Caz, Monday, January 07, 2019, 10:43 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

...and most of you know my real name and it's, ummmmm...sheesh, 20+ years is a long time to remember something so trivial! ;-)

...clarification: recalling my REAL name after so many...

by Caz, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 11:34 (2083 days ago) @ Caz

...years of using "Caz" is becoming more difficult, so that is trivial, not the board, etc.

I was on other boards using "Cas" until one day I ran into another guy using the same name. Cowboy Action Shooting was becoming popular, so CAS was in use elsewhere, too.

Anyway, my name is Bill Gilson, but most of you knew that. I was on the old Earp board, and on the first pages of Sixgunner and Sixguns, you will find my posts as well. Yeh, I'm old. ;-)

I remember "El Cazador" for a while

by Ray, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 14:07 (2083 days ago) @ Caz

I've been AkRay from the start, a long time ago. I know Drew Felt and Rob Leahy because of the old board.

and it is always a pleasure to run into you in person

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 16:15 (2083 days ago) @ Ray

I miss the Wasilla High Gun show.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Old, maybe but beloved by many...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 16:14 (2083 days ago) @ Caz

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Old, maybe but beloved...Ah, Rob. Yer jes' sayin' that!

by Caz, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 12:50 (2082 days ago) @ Rob Leahy


20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Monday, January 07, 2019, 10:45 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Been about that long for me too. I'm Cherokee on any forum but just so's ya know - David Stone. Have really enjoyed everyone here.

I started on the Earp.com board in either 97 or 98.

by Jared, Monday, January 07, 2019, 11:36 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Then sixguns and sixgunner shortly after that. Time flys when you are having fun.

So you were like 12 years old then, right? :-)

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, January 07, 2019, 15:01 (2084 days ago) @ Jared

One of many that have become family for Jan & I.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

So you were like 12 years old then, right? :-)

by Jared, Monday, January 07, 2019, 17:46 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

19 or 20.

me too..maybe 1997 or so..

by cable, Monday, January 07, 2019, 16:55 (2084 days ago) @ Jared

been great fun and great learning.

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Charles, Monday, January 07, 2019, 12:24 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Well said, I was there about the same time. We have had a few off shoot groups like CSA Sixgunners, but we have hung out together on the internet and in person for a long time. We are a true community, and not just in name only.

I'm certain it was 1999 or so....

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Monday, January 07, 2019, 13:18 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I searched for funny gun videos.
accuratereloading.com came up with Saaeed and his band of misfits shooting the 577 T-Rex rifle.

In their forum was a post about other forums people visited.
One of the posters mentioned Sixgunner.com.

It's been down hill ever since! LOL!

MS = Mark Stevenson

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Gary G, Monday, January 07, 2019, 14:22 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I am will be at twenty years in the upcoming fall, I can only say that I consider you my online family. The wealth of information, Firearms, Life,
Family, Religious, and Patriotic has and does help me maintain a higher level of character.
Thank You all

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by D. Sikes, Monday, January 07, 2019, 16:44 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Yup... about 1998 or so I found Earp.com and then Sixgunner... I might have used the nick... Texas Bullfrog... or maybe not... been too long for this old brain to remember.. but I met some very fine folks and wonder of wonders have met a couple thru the years... have kept up with quite a few of ya'll, as I moved from Texas to the Ozarks and thru some home-front disasters... have mourned the loss of a few great folks and rejoiced in the triumphs and victories of a few others and their families... have learned a whole bunch about some of my most favorite topics (old sixguns)... ya'll have been a constant source of pleasure, and heartfelt love of companionship among fellow travelers in life... and Mr Leahy... you are truely generous to a fault and an accomplished artisan... thank you for being a part of my life...

Truly, a fine group

by Frank S, Monday, January 07, 2019, 17:14 (2084 days ago) @ D. Sikes

Gentlemen one and all.....
I'd have to pull it out of the safe to verify, but I believe I have number 17 (of 20) of the custom revolver. From way back when.

The oldest post I can find I saved was from...

by Murphy @, Monday, January 07, 2019, 17:27 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

January 30th, 2000.

It's been nothing but a pleasure being a part of this group. Simply put, I frequent only a few boards, but will always consider this place my "Home Sweet Home".

I've learned a lot here from some of the best. When the first CSA came up I could make in Athens, I simply had to go. Too many fine folks and I wanted to meet them. They were everything they said they were and more. I'm fortunate to be a part of this group.



by pokynojoe, Monday, January 07, 2019, 17:32 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Truth be told, I actually joined the forum in 2159. Yes, the forum is still around, but not in the way you know.

You see, I was teleporting home from a party on the evening of Feb 32nd, 2184, when(having imbibed a little too much) I zigged, when I should have zagged, and consequently fell down a worm hole and landed in your year of 1999. My machine was damaged and the technology to repair it doesn't exist in this time, so I've been stuck here ever since. Yes, I know this is a bit much to swallow however, You'll just have to get used to it.

Now I know you all must have a lot of questions, and it would be highly unethical of me to reveal what has happened over the years. However, there are a few things I can tell you.

I'm sure the main question you all are wondering about is "Do firearms still exist?" Well, yes they do...sort of. The modern firearm of my time was developed on along 2068, and the theory behind them doesn't exist yet, so it would be hard for me to explain how they function. They don't look anything like the guns you're accustomed to. They fire projectiles, but they are not bullets per se. Again, let's just skip that part. I will tell you though, that the guns of this time are still collected by groups of aficionados, although the value is beyond the reach of most, myself included. With the invention of the Identi-replicatior on or about 2105, fakes abound, and the gun shops of my time don't actually sell guns(anyone can replicate one whenever), but they are actually laboratories where original old timey guns are tested and authenticated. There aren't very many of these. You know those Raven .25 caliber pistols? Well I buy all those I can find with the hope that I will be able to return to my time. I'll make a fortune because these are one of the most highly desirable collectibles, believe it or not. They command a high price and are extremely rare in my time.

This begs the question: "If revolvers and pistols as we know them today are beyond the reach of most, why does the sixshooter community message board still exist?" It's not actually a message board, computers became obsolete in 2089. We use what's called in my time "Thought-Send" technology. Again, just take my word for it. Many of the members are actually people who have descended from a lot you alls genetic line, generations removed of course. Yes, many of the firearms you treasure today, were lovingly preserved by your offspring down through the generations. There is one big problem though. Ammunition is problematic. There is no more lead, that ran out about the turn of the 21st century, and the nitro-cellulose propellents became obsolete in 2062. In my time the people that were lucky enough to preserve revolvers and say a 1911(which by the way, the Canamerimexcan army redesigned in 2111) have to make their own propellent and fashion bullets out of suitable material. It's sort of similar to what you all know as black powder, but not quite the same. There's no more sulfur...so... there's that. Oddly, there's still brass though.

There's lots of other stuff, but that's more than enough for you to digest for now. Some things I've discovered since my arrival that I quite enjoy:

Hot dogs, they don't exist in my time
Bourbon, ditto this. We have alcoholic drinks, but nothing that resemble what you all have now. Curiously, we still have Boone's Farm though. It's actually very expensive, and out of my budget in my time.

You'll be interested to know that coyotes and roaches are still problematic in my time, although, they don't resemble what you have in your time. You see over the years the government introduced genetically modified coyotes and roaches into the respective populations and well... it kind of backfired. In my time, what you now know as the State of New Jersey is uninhabitable by humans.

As far as my real name, it wouldn't make any sense in the English spoken today. In my time the language spoken is an agglomeration of the current Bantu, Italian, and Russian languages of today. It would sort of sound like "Zoot"

Oh, and a few last thoughts, we still have Spam in my time. In fact, in my time it tastes like a porterhouse steak, quite delicious. And yes, a lot of you alls great-great-great- great-great-grandchildren are very nice, I've met them all. We still meet once a year as the Confederate Sixgunners, but it meets outside Gettysburg, Marysylvaniadel. Oh, and the south did rise again, but not in the way you think, but that's a discussion for another time.


by D. Sikes, Monday, January 07, 2019, 18:27 (2084 days ago) @ pokynojoe

I LOVE IT!!! that was the best post I've read in a long time... I want to see it turned into a screenplay and then brought to the silver screen... it'll outdo "Zardos" ... Hahahaha....

I did and it did...

by pokynojoe, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 20:28 (2081 days ago) @ D. Sikes

although you'll have to be around in 2162, that's when it opened. It got rave reviews. I got sort of famous. Then I went broke, but again, that's a story for another time.

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by bmize, Monday, January 07, 2019, 17:49 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I found the old board in early 2001 when I started working from home part-time.
Like most of you, I've learned a lot from the fine folks here.
My life has changed 180* a few times over the years, but this will always be one of the places I check in with from time to time.
This place is my home page on my laptop like it has been ever since I found it, but I don't open the laptop up that often anymore.
For the most part I see most of y'all on facebook groups, but it is not the same.

I am not old enough to have been here that long...

by Bri A, Monday, January 07, 2019, 18:43 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Or at least that is what I keep telling myself. Don't know when I started hanging around with y'all, but believe it was before the turn of the century. Have never been a prolific poster, but have checked in most every day since first starting to hang around here. Was able to attend the TSMS when Mark was hosting it, pretty easy since it was nearly in my backyard, so got to meet several regulars in person. Have quite a few here I consider to be good friends and appreciate them greatly, still miss quite a few who no longer are hereabouts. For those who don't know, Bri is short for Brian, and I use it when not logged in because the board will not let me post under the same name as my registered one. The A is short for Anderson, as a select few already know. Hopefully this board will continue for a long, long time, don't know what I would do without it.

I am not old enough to have been here that long...

by john purcell, Monday, January 07, 2019, 19:29 (2083 days ago) @ Bri A

Caint remember how long, about 18 or 20 yrs. This is a darn good bunch. john

John brought me in. Any conplants see John.

by Tom Richardson @, Clarksville, Arkansas, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 06:44 (2083 days ago) @ john purcell


20 years ago or so...same here

by Jeff Taylor @, Tampa FL, Monday, January 07, 2019, 20:17 (2083 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

It must have been 1998 and there’s been a lot of learning since then.

Colonel, USAF (Ret)
NRA Life Member

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by jgt, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 06:38 (2083 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

When I first came here I was posting on line as "JT". People immediately ask if I was John Taffin. I knew who he was and when it sank in that he was already here and posting as "JT" I was super embarrassed. I change it to "jgt". I come here first each morning to see how everyone is doing. Thank you for the privilege of sharing this space each day.

OK I`ll bite

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 06:59 (2083 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Been here awhile , met some very nice people. Hope to meet more .I Thank (Who`s in charge) for letting me be here. Frank McClelland .

Dunno, Rob, it might be better if I used an assumed name.

by John K., Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 14:22 (2083 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

It has been a long time and a lot of friends have crossed the river. Some have dissapeared - perhaps someone will come across a naked ribcage with an arrow sticking out and proclaim...

I bet someone at the sixgunner board is saying "Now why don't he post?"


by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 16:17 (2083 days ago) @ John K.


Of the Troops & For the Troops

I don't think it has been quite 20 years for me...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, January 08, 2019, 22:33 (2082 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

But I knew many of you over on Paco's Leverguns forum and got invited to visit here as well.

This is the most responses I've seen to a post here in a looooooooong time.



I don't think it has been quite 20 years for me...

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 00:29 (2082 days ago) @ Hobie

Not quite 20 for
me either, but darn close, I am still amazed that all you fine gentlemen accept me. Dennis Eugene

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by E Sisk, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 03:37 (2082 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I too started with JT's board. I have joined and parted ways with at least twenty or so gun forums over the past two decades. This is the one true forum as far as I am concerned. Gentlemen all, with the knowledge of experience not fantasy. I count myself lucky to be included.

A lot of history "here"

by BCodd, Iowa, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 10:36 (2082 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I can't recall when I joined up, but it must have been around the turn of the century or so, on the olden sixgunner board. I hope somebody still has the various midi songs... they used to make my heart skip a beat as I logged onto the various sites over the years, those open to all, the (shhhh) secret ones, and the various pages, current and defunct.

Through the various iterations of this group, through the comings and goings, through the laughter, the advice, ALL of the lies, and especially through some of the darkest days of our lives, I've always considered this group a band of brothers. Many of you have become true friends, and the rest of you I hope to break bread with down the line.

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found some of my most beloved sixguns, I wouldn't stand in awe of the ominous death-ray, nor be aware of the BGA, of the sublime beauty of the No.1 International, the rest stop holster, the onion sack, nor the tannerite method of clearing a holler, banjo anecdotes, or the real history of gun control.

My hat is off to Jim, John, Paco, Terry, Lee, and on and on, gentlemen who stand alongside us but urge us to be better/smarter/craftier than the fools.

I remember those who have gone before us, young and old, and that damn list keeps growing, to my dismay.

Twenty years ago I was a snot-nosed punk living behind the golden curtain and I didn't know doodly-squat. Now I'm older, fatter, and grouchier, and I still don't know doodly-squat. Some help you all are!

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by rob @, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 12:56 (2082 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I remember, and I agree with everything you said. I even remember you saying "There's another rob here!?!" It's been fun growing with you guys. I did my share of chest thumping and acting like a know it all in the early years but as I've started working on humility, I the more I learn, the more I realize just how little I know lol!

All my shooting friends call me -->

by cas, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 20:02 (2081 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

In real life that is. ;)

It has been twenty years, holy smokes.

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 22:18 (2081 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Not sure when I came on??? It was long enough ago I was using Web-TV my daughters gave me. I met CAS first & he tutored me on how to do things such as copy & paste. Next I met Jim Taylor & Uncowboy & so on. So it was before 2000.

I was LAH on the old board, Lynn Alan Halstead. Because of Dry Creek Bullet Works I began using Creeker in serveral places. I do like this layout of this board. No sub forms. You just post & respond. Good place.

Maybe around 1999 for me

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 06:50 (2079 days ago) @ Creeker

Seems like I accidentally found the board. Cant remember which one. Then I run into Creeker (LAH) at a gun show in Beckley WV and I've been visiting the board since. Don't post as much as I should but do enjoy reading and everyone seems like an old friend for sure.


Maybe around 1999 for me

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 09:22 (2079 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

I'd say you're correct. I was still at Dry Creek in the new house I finished in 1996. I began internet somewhere around 98 if memory serves.

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by BJ Snow @, Columbus, Ga, Thursday, January 10, 2019, 00:40 (2081 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I started hanging out on Jim Taylors old board, late last century or early this one. I remember being excited about a
gathering in Athens until I figured out it was Texas, not Ga. i finally made it to the one Nim had in Missouri.
I believe I’ve only missed one since then. I’ve been blessed by knowing you guys (and ladies), some of the finest folks
I have ever met. I thank you one and all, for allowing me to hang out.
I seldom post, but, I lurk here a lot. Very few days that I don’t check here at least once.
See you in Arkansas in April.
Bill (B J) Snow

20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Catoosa, Thursday, January 10, 2019, 11:48 (2081 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I probably should make up a new handle, since I no longer live in Catoosa County GA and haven't for some time. But, that's where my family settled in the 1830s and I have used that one so long everyone knows it by now. Gordon Sewell Caruthers is just too dang long to type anyhow.

I feel so privileged to be a member of this board and to have made the acquaintance of so many of you. Aside from being a source of vast knowledge of one of my favorite subjects, this board has allowed me to meet, both electronically and face to face, some of the finest folks in the world.

Over 20 years...

by Byron, Friday, January 11, 2019, 06:08 (2080 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

First post was during the Earp.com days.

I remember some "interesting" threads over the years and more than a few ups and downs in life.

My appreciation for the AR15 and 5.56mm 20 years ago was the basis for conversations that became more than a bit "opinionated".



I didn't realize it at the time....

by Glen, Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 15:46 (2076 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

...but I met you in person Rob before I met you online. It took a while to "connect the dots", but I got it straight eventually. These discussion boards have given me a number of cherished friendships over the last 20 years. Thank you JT!

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