let me tell you a story

by uncowboy, Sunday, January 06, 2019, 17:22 (2085 days ago)

40 years ago I was a young 15-16 year old shooter who belonged to a small range that was not much more than a sand pit. The man who ran the range owned the local sporting store. He wanted to have matches but he lacked the organizational skills to pull it off, So after a few failed local matches it became clear that the members would have to make something happen. This shooter The Reverend Arthur Melanson who was a minister on a local Radio program decided to step in. Silhouettes were the hot thing then so we would have a rim fire match. I was excited beyond all get out. I only read about this in the gun magazines I had to shoot this match only I didn't own a scoped 22 rim fire. So being a 15 year old I knew all I had to do was drill and tap my 22 to take the 4X scope from my 30/30 Easy right. So with a hand held drill I go to work on my favorite 22 and you all can expect how well I did having never tapped a hole before but I got glass on the gun and tried to sight it in on the 50 yd mark and I would hold over and under for each target. Day of the match I am the youngest guy there and we shot. Arthur with his Target Remington wins First place but there is a tie for second Me and another MAN. Decision we would shoot Turkeys till someone missed. Shoot off! First guy hits I hit second shot he hits I hit Third shot he misses. I raise my rifle but can't hold steady enough to make the known hit. I pause drop the rifle re compose lift and make the shot winning the shoot off and taking second place. That is the day I met Arthur. The next week at the range he told me he saw something in me when I lowered the rifle and recomposed. I told him if I shot I would have missed. He said he was starting a new pistol league in the east coast called IPSC and asked me to come watch a match witch I did, Then he offered to teach me how to shoot pistol if I would like to learn. Back then no one could beat or get close to Arthur with a 45ACP he shot the first Bianchi and finished high. I would not be the shooter I am without his help and guidance / My father died young and Arthur filled the roll with out being asked. Talked harshly to me when needed and praised when earned. Yesterday he went home to the Lord where he wanted to be . I am thankful for all he taught me and all the joy he added to my life and although he will be missed I know he is happy with the Lord. God bless all. J,Michael

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