
by D. Sikes, Sunday, December 09, 2018, 14:29 (2113 days ago) @ Creeker

Hot... Hehehe ... compared to Sembach Germany my home station at the time... I was bouncing around from op location to op location... had teams scattered throughout northern and east Africa, Mideast ("choice locations"), the Balkens (Chesnia, Sarajevo), all over Europe... I was NCOIC of the Radio Communications Section and on occasion (when on extended deployment) either the Team Chief or 1st Shirt of the deployment team... my son joined up in mid-1990's and was a weapons targeting specialist for AC-130 Gunships at Aviano during the mess in the Balkins ... there were some "very interesting and exciting" TDY's when I was assigned with the 1st Combat Comm ...

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