I hope to see you there this spring.

by Murphy @, Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 20:17 (2137 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I was blessed with uncles. Joe happened to be the youngest, my father was the oldest).

As Roger Miller's line in a song goes:

Jukebox 'n' sawdust floor
Sumpin' like I ain't never seen
And I'm just going on fifteen
But with the help of my finaglin' uncle I get snuck in
For my first taste of sin
I said "Lemme have a big old sip"
Bllll-bbbb, I done a double back flip

That, would be Uncle Joe in my case.

Just a quick tale. I was in for a weekend and looking to pick up some moonshine for a street dance the next night. I got directions to a bootleggers place out in the boonies and off I went looking for it. I pulled up to the place and it was pitch black about 10:00 at night. I eased up to the door and knocked. I heard the shuffle of feet and a voice through the door asking "Who dere?" (A gentleman of color he was). I told him Murphy. The bootlegger replied back, Joe, dat choo? My reply was, No, I'm his nephew and I'll tell him you said howdy. The door eased open and I stuck $10 bucks through it, 2 quarts came back out.

The funny part is, the sheriff at the time happened to be a Murphy also, our cousin. :-D


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