Handgun Shotshells on large snakes

by ERSisk @, Friday, October 26, 2018, 17:14 (2157 days ago) @ Gary G

I carry a SS Bearcat that I purchased from tshirhart years ago. Over the years it has accounted for scores of rats (CB's) and about a dozen poisonous snakes (Federal 40 gr. hvhp). Miss Becky has authorized shooting the poisonous variety in deference to our(her) Yorkie. We went a couple of years without a King snake hanging around to keep snakes at bay and had several moccasins in and around the pond by the house. There is a trick to one shot kills on water snakes. When they swim there head is stationary, so aim at the base of the head. The little Bearcat is deadly out to 6 or 7 yards. Best practice for snake shooting is rolling shotgun shells.

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