Have told the story here a few times...

by Bri A, Friday, October 19, 2018, 23:26 (2163 days ago) @ uncowboy

Killed my first deer with a Mannlicher stocked Husky '06. It belonged to my Grandfather who loaned it to me, saying if I killed a deer with it that morning he would give it to me. A little after 10 a.m. a buck appeared on the next ridge over from my stand, about 200 yards away, and I killed my first deer. A little before 11 a.m. I came back to the fire where he sat asking for help to drag my buck out. They all thought I was kidding at first. As soon as the deer was dragged in, my Grandfather pulled out his Swiss Army knife, unscrewed the buttplate and wrote my name under it right there next to the fire. Still have that rifle, don't plan to ever part with it, and while I have hunted with many other rifles, it has killed more deer in my hands than any other. My Dad jokes every time he sees me with it that I must be getting serious because it produces venison very regularly.

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