New Obsession...

by rob @, Wednesday, September 19, 2018, 19:27 (2194 days ago)

My wife has been hounding me for a long long loooong time to get into archery. I have several very good friends who used to love hunting with firearms and suddenly became stricken with archery fever and now they are obsessed with bow hunting and don't even hunt with guns anymore. Because of this, I've been trying to stall and put this off but I finally gave in. I pretty much become obsessed with things I enjoy and rarely do anything part way. I have given in, bought a Mathews Triax and bought her a Bowtech and I'm hoping now I can get her in a blind with a bow! I am already obsessed with this bow thing but I don't think it will ever replace handgun least for a couple years lol:)

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