assemble in reverse order......

by Otony, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 23:34 (4504 days ago)

....took apart a Ruger MKII pistol a week or so ago, to give it a good scrubbing. It has been apart enough times that it is no longer "tight". Even so, I loath disassembly on these, and my feelings were proven correct yet one more time.

After putting everything back "just so" I still could not seat the take-down lever no matter how many times I tried. Even held my tongue in different positions to no avail. Finally, after a solid hour plus of trying I put it up on a shelf before I resorted to beating on it with a hammer. Mind you, I have put these back together in the past, but always with a struggle.

So today I go by a gunsmith buddy that is here in town and bring it with me, figuring he has the mojo to make things work. He has another fellow visiting in the shop and both are listening to my sad story 'bout how d@mn difficult these d@mnable things are to reassemble.

"Just watch" I sez, and then proceed to swing the take-down lever in and lock things up perfectly on the first try. They both regard me as one would the village idiot who has performed a trick while I stand there in shock.

Makes a fellow sure feel dumb to admit he cannot do something....then go right ahead and do it, sigh.....


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