Knives...I have a few, but just a few. ;-)

by Caz, Monday, September 10, 2018, 09:19 (2203 days ago) @ Paul

...and a man can never have enough. Let's just say that I was SOOOOOO sure that I would have at least several villages full of grandkids!

I always believe in being prepared. :-D

A Guatemalan lady at church told me a while back , "You always have a knife, don't you!" Yes, she told me, didn't ask me. She was just stating a fact, after she needed to borrow it.

Dad had an old USN "small Bowie" Ka-Bar in a homemade sheath that his f-i-l had found many, many years ago while hunting, and the gifted to my dad.

HOWEVER, Dad chose to field-dress deer with a small Case Trapper that was a gift from my mom when they first married, or with an old Western Stockman. I have both of those blades, still.

Traditions die hard.

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