Going off half-cocked

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 15:05 (2216 days ago) @ Norm

If the second worse way to carry a 1911 is hammer down with one in the chamber, then the WORST way is hammer on half-cock with a chambered road (a result of reading too many detective/tough guy paperbacks as a teenager), which is what I did before I learned about "false half-cock". That was the day when I was taken the gun out of my front pocket, the hammer snagged and a 210 lead SWC over 7.8 grains Unique (Jeff Cooper's hellacious load) struck the ground between my feet.

Dang it:-) I was waiting for someone to ask "What's the worst way?" so I could roll that one out.

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