Off Topic PSA

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Friday, June 01, 2012, 19:24 (4505 days ago)

Had my yearly check up a couple months ago and while my PSA is in the normal range it has spiked. So off to the Uroligist and he performed a needle biopsy with the aid of an ultra sound. It came back thank God as negative but I am now on a twice a year PSA blood test. My father died from prostate cancer but his was not examined until he was in his late seventies. His was so bad not much could be done after the radical prostate surgery. He died at 82. I hope you all are being tested and examined for this cancer. Not at all pleasant but considering the consequences you all better be on guard.


Off Topic PSA

by Catoosa, Friday, June 01, 2012, 21:07 (4505 days ago) @ Art

Yep, get one every year. I think the recent studies that claim PSA tests don't do much good are BS. I know several people whose outcomes were good thanks to early detection via PSA.

Off Topic PSA

by john purcell, Friday, June 01, 2012, 21:49 (4505 days ago) @ Art

Just had the biopsey tue. mine came back O K wasnst much fun. John

Off Topic PSA

by Tom Richardson @, Clarksville, Arkansas, Friday, June 01, 2012, 22:35 (4505 days ago) @ john purcell

Bout like having a hornet in your hiney.

If you think the biopsy "ain't much fun"...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 01, 2012, 22:40 (4505 days ago) @ john purcell

I've had three of them over the last five years. Believe me when I tell 'ya, it's a laugh riot compared to the treatment. There building a proton radiation treatment facility here, one of only ten around the country. Too late for me, but it will be a real boon to future cancer patients, especially the types like prostate. Art's right, get your PSA, at least until they come up with something better, and my oncologist says that it's already in the works.

Off Topic PSA Yep.

by MR, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 08:16 (4505 days ago) @ Art

Had two of the 12 needle wide awake biopsy proceedures in the last three years. They found nothing that wasn't supposed to be there. Also just have been told that a knock you out 24 needle one is in my not too distant future. Tom's right, its kinda like having a pissed off red wasp loose 6 inches up your tail pipe.

Off Topic PSA Yep.

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 14:54 (4504 days ago) @ MR

They numbed my prostate but after the fifth or sixth biopsy I started to flinch and the family jewels tried to crawl up into my body:-(


Off Topic PSA

by Kentucky, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 10:27 (4505 days ago) @ Art

After an elevated PSA blood test several years ago, I had the needle biopsy. They gave me the "happy/forgetful" stuff and I wasn't aware of any of it . . . at least I don't recall any of it.

Off Topic PSA

by MR, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 14:04 (4504 days ago) @ Kentucky

I'm starting to draw a direct correlation between a high PSA and a life long habit of inhaling gun smoke.

Off Topic PSA

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Saturday, June 02, 2012, 14:50 (4504 days ago) @ MR

I think you are on to something. Need a scientific study regarding gun smoke and higher PSA readings. I will volunteer to shoot more. The Feds can subsidize my habit.


Off Topic PSA

by W.R.D., Friday, June 08, 2012, 18:27 (4498 days ago) @ Art

Fellas have 'em done on a regular basis,and find a place that will give you the happy juice if you have to BUT HAVE 'EM DONE, I just went through the radical procedure and believe me it is not something you want to endure, the side effects of the surgery are very long lasting in some cases and it takes everything out of you for month's, I'm scheduled for the radiation treatment, much easier than the chemo, but still you are physically shot for months, mine spiked to 55.01 with a Gleason count of 9, had a good chance of dying, my PET SCAN came back clear, but some abnormal cells are in the lymph nodes that need killin, for HEAVEN SAKE take care of yourselves.

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