I'm tired of being manipulated,

by anachronism, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 12:43 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

I'm tired of being manipulated, by both sides! We are now reliving the 1960s with all the protests and riots. I do keep an eye on the news however, but it's getting harder by the day to distinguish the actual information from the BS. My concern is that this "Roman Spectacle" we are witnessing may be designed to give us news burnout, so we miss important things we should be watching closely. The most important information I receive is usually routed through sources other than network broadcasting. Even that's not 100% reliable, but since newscasters are all actors, and their writers are all fantasy writers and propagandists, I trust word of mouth reports from non-professional witnesses over the carefully scripted, rehearsed, and "official" news.

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