Thanks fellas!!

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, June 01, 2012, 08:32 (4506 days ago) @ Baby Hoot

While I am still disappointed by the rule violation and reaction, it's gotten to the point of amusement now. There are horses' butts in this world and it works out that a fella runs into one now and again.

As I was drifting off to sleep last night, a wonderfully evil thought came into my head...not that I would condone such action of course.

But, what if a guy found himself in a similar situation and had a word with a 100 or so friends. Each of those friends could then go and bid in this auction---especially if a bidding war could be orchestrated. The seller would watch the apparent value soar through the roof and rue the fact that he ever sold it over the counter for less. Plus, it would drive up the auction fees which would also eat at his profit.

Fraudulent? Yep. We'd never do such a thing. Oh well, the thought made me chuckle.

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